Our English Course Snowy English, has intensive reading program namely, "Amazing Phonics". Our phonics Curriculum is from US, and children are taught with phonics method.

What is Phonics? Phonics is the relationship between letters and sounds in a word or language. By learning phonics, children could spell the words easily, and he or she will read with correct pronunciation and write the letters correctly.

In our phonics class, children will experience fun activities! They will watch movie,read interesting books, play computer, learn with letter-play dough and word games to motivate their reading activities.

They will also learn to comprehend the text and the story, so they would understand the content of the whole story.

Ms. Shinta, our phonics teacher, has been teaching phonics for 10 years and has helped many children to read and to enjoy reading.

At the end of the program, children will become a confident and a fluent reader. This intensive reading program is delivered in 18-24 sessions per level, in each level, children are challenged with more fun reading comprehension activities.

Posted in News, News and Events on Nov 21, 2016