Dear Friends,

It has been a while since we write in here, I know. So how was your school holiday?? I am sure some of you joined our Holiday Program, right??

We had a lot of things going on back then. There were India Day, Germany Day, and Phonics & Reading Comprehension Program. Our Phonics & RC Program was opened for public and we met new faces. So exciting! We were not only learning how to read and how to understand a text, but we also made a lot of things such as art ‘n craft and science projects. Oh! Even cooking project! The kids enjoyed our activities very much and you can see their photos here… is there your son or daughter here?





Snowy Bintaro became somewhat like a witch cave where we created and formulated a lot of witch crafts for the program. Haha! Kidding. It was educational crafts, not witch crafts. This program is proven effective to enhance the kids reading skill. Some of our students were in Phonics ABC, which means they could not read at all. But when he or she was out of the program, their last class was Phonics Learn To Read, no longer Phonics ABC. In just two weeks, they mastered the letter sounds and then in to the blending sounds — which is more advanced. Please give feedback about our program if you joined it and see you in next events!

Posted in Events, News and Events on Jan 02, 2017